Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Congratulations goes out to our Philadelphia String Band Fundraiser Winners

Grand Prize Winner: E. Bos

Phillies Game Package Winner- Joe McGee

Flyers Game Package Winner- C. Goodman

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Mummers Parade Line of March

The 2015 Mummers Parade brings in some change this year with a new parade route.

Groups will enter the parade in the following order at City Hall at 15th and Market Streets:
• 10 a.m.: Fancy Division
• 10:30 a.m.: Comic Division
• Noon: Fancy Brigades
• 12:30 p.m..: Wenches
• 1:20 p.m..: String Band Division

Check out where your favorite club will be marching in 2015.

Fancy Division
1. Golden Sunrise

Comic Division
1. Goodtimers
2. Landi
3. Murray

Wench Brigade Division
1. Americans
2. Saints
3. Pirates
4. O’Malley
5. Riverfront
6. Cara Liom
7. Oregon
8. Bryson
9. Froggy Carr

String Band Division
1. Uptown String Band-  The InTENTS, UnBEARable, and AXtreme Outdoors 
2. Greater Overbrook String Band-  Brazilliant! 
3. Duffy String Band-  Log-A-Rhythm 
4. Durning String Band-  Bootin' Scootin' and Nashville Hootin'
5. South Philadelphia String Band-  Gangs of Gotham
6. Aqua String Band-  When Swing Was King 
7. Greater Kensington String Band-  Moonshine Mountain
8. Fralinger String Band-  The Machine
9. Polish American String Band-  Fifty Shades of Hay
10. Peter A. Broomall String Band-  Alice In Wonderland: We're All Mad Here
11. Quaker City String Band-  One Man's Trash Is This Band's Treasure
12. Woodland String Band-  One Heart One Spirit
13. Pennsport String Band-  The Pirates of Pennsport
14. Avalon String Band -  The Sky's the Limit Episode II: Revenge of the Fallen 
15. Hegeman String Band-  Immortal Utopia
16. Joseph A. Ferko String Band-  India

For information on your favorite string band click the link below:

Fancy Brigade Division
1. South Philly Vikings-  Day of the Avatar "Master of the Elements"
2. Golden Crown-  A Prince’s Tale
3. Downtowners-  Merlin’s Mystical Realm
4. 2nd Street Shooters-  Winter Fantasy
5. Clevemore-  Ritual…The Devil’s Domain
6. Avenuers-  CarnEvil
7. Bill McIntyre’s Shooting Stars-  Mysterious Island
8. Satin Slipper-  Midnight at the Mansion
9. Spartans-  The Pharaoh’s Revenge
10. Jokers-  Glory of Rome: Siege of the Barbarians
11. Saturnalian-  Space- A Whole New Dimension

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Mummers Parade Results

Comic Division
    1.    Murray
    2.    Goodtimers
    3.    Landi

Wench Brigade Division
    1.    Oregon
    2.    Pirates
    3.    Bryson
    4.    Cara Liom
    5.    Riverfront
    6.    O Malley
    7.    Froggy Carr
    8.    Saints

Fancy Division
    1.    Golden Sunrise
    2.    Hog Island

String Band Division
    1.    Quaker City
    2.    Hegeman
    3.    South Philadelphia
    4.    Woodland
    5.    Fralinger
    6.    Ferko
    7.    Avalon
    8.    Polish American
    9.    Aqua
   10.    Uptown
   11.    Pennsport
   12.    Duffy
   13.    Greater Kensington
   14.    Broomall
   15 (tie).    Greater Overbrook
   15 (tie).    Durning
   17.    Trilby

Fancy Brigade Division
    1.    Shooting Stars
    2.    Jokers
    3.    Downtowners
    4.    South Philly Vikings
    5.    Golden Crown
    6.    Satin Slippers
    7.    Saturnalian
    8.    Avenuers
    9.    Clevemore
    10.    Spartans
    11.    2nd St. Shooters